about 70% of the way there unfortunately this is where my production slows down to a turtle pace since i need to work on details and since the sculpey is too soft for that, i have to put it in the freezer for a half hour work on it an hour then repeat. this is gonna suck.
Almost done the monster, still need to colour the teeth and top. Not quite finished, still haven't done the under carriage area, not sure when I'll actually finish this.
Finally have something interesting to post... this thing is not fully finished... (requires a few more blending tweaks, teeth correction, etc).. but in general heres' my monster
Man i finally applied that increasing brush size method to my paintings. its incredible! but no wonder it take you forever, its a slow process, These two took me over an hour :(
href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_-4tMIzFngy8/SuO8IE6aQxI/AAAAAAAAAFg/NClWNZ2bpvI/s1600-h/Monster.jpg"> Well it was an attempt. Im trying to limit myself in terms of time. Im not that happy with it. if i have time ill come back to it
this is a brief glimpse of the final painting i think i got the sand dunes down but if anyone like to point out critiques it is most obliged for i could use some right now
this is just the first phase of the new project I'm working on as a late birthday present I've only took the rough painting of what I'm generally looking for than i just penned out everything: lighting, surface, colors for the dunes.
Hey everyone! havent talked to anyone in a while. i hope everyone's summer has been fantastic. lets all get back to drawing. heres a doodle from last night using sketch book. Its pretty fun to work with
i cant quite count down howl ong its been since i posted something i hope this could make up for my misdeeds..anyway HOLY CRAP THIS TOOK FOREVER THIS THIS painting
Hey guys, someone linked this on a forum I've been frequenting. WIP shots of the life size Karrigan from Blizzcon... sculpted by Steve Wang and his team. just incredible... that zerg booty is just incredible....