Hey everyone! havent talked to anyone in a while. i hope everyone's summer has been fantastic. lets all get back to drawing.
heres a doodle from last night using sketch book. Its pretty fun to work with
BTW doesnt this look like sheridan
ALSO check this out:
Wow, that looks exactly like him!
Dickhead. You're off the 3 man bench press team.
Wow that actually made me laugh real well.
completely forgot about that gong show of an idea
my god i can see a huge resemblance garib a bang up job man lol how does sketchbook feel anyway
Ummm. for sketching it feels like a really really smooth/clean peice of paper.
for colouring, i still prefer colouring just because im soo used to it. And i like layer properties and effects. Sketchbook (at least as i see it right now) is very bare bones
Great job!!!!!
I love your colours in this. Good job conveying the form too, except it looks like you got lazier the closer you got to the tail =P
And your..uh.."light beams" could use a little more work there...
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