Hey guys, here's where I'm at with my layout. Made changes to the sizing, hes now a lot smaller. Also added tentacles creeping up from behind the walk way to imply a greater sense of danger and no escape. I'm having some issues on where to place foreground tentacles; any suggestions on that or anything else are more than welcome. Lost a lot of back ground detail to the JPEG, there are actually 2 round sewer grates in the top back behind Conan.
Maybe something like this? I dunno ... o___o;;;
Good fuckin call! I'll definitely pull it more in that direction. Thanks a lot dude.
Fucking blake with the tentacle drop. nj
lol doose this is looking good man. i dunno if this will work. maybe select the line art behind conan and like drop the saturation/flow of it. push it in the background. like the air is thick in this place. who knows maybe it'll look good.
those big tentacles are quality blake. Doose if you put them in see if you can frame conan, either give him a lot of breathing space or almost none. Just ideas
Thanks a lot guys, the crits were a big help.
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